Welcome to our Mastermind

Please wait 24-48 hours for our staff to add you to our community.

You will receive an email invite from Slack.



Please check your inbox (plus SPAM) as our onboarding email sequence and resources are on the way!

If you don’t receive an email within 24 hours, please email us at support@phpstack-1296751-4713661.cloudwaysapps.com and we’ll make sure you’re added!


Take a few quick steps to ensure our oboarding emails can reach your inbox every time:


➡️ Gmail (Mobile/Desktop): Open, tap three dots, choose “Move to” > “Primary.”

➡️ iOS/Apple Mail (Mobile): Open, tap sender’s email, select “Add to VIPs.”


If you don’t do the above, you may not receive any of our emails.


Doing both of these will let your email provider know that you want to receive our emails.


While you wait, you need to complete this form.